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Monday 21 June 2010


"Sex is just the beginning not the end,

If you miss the beginning, you will

Never appreciate the End "

What is Tantric?

We must remember beginners that Tantric and Yoga can approach each other, but they are quite the opposite. The target is the same, That is, total relaxation, harmony of spirit, and that balance both crave

Yoga is the technique of the warrior, it helps to balance and accumulate energy while Tantra is the Technique of Lovers.

In Tantric you have to immerse yourself in your inner self, to feel your own experience. Leaving behind taboos, false morality, you accept that what you are doing is not unnatural, that’s letting go. One trick is to close your eyes, so you can connect better with your interior sensations.

The Tantric Art, is an instrument for human transformation, this path leads to the release of the deeper meanings making you reach a total state of relaxation.

The beauty of this art is that it starts from your inside and explodes all around you.

A Tantric Orgasm

Is indescribable, worth every second of the moment

Since ancient times, there has been studies of Sexual Energy, unlike the Western Suppression (Sex = Sin) the sexual act was seen as something grotesque, was and is dirty, however Tantric see it as a beautiful and necessary act, harmonizes both women, as men, leaving them completely clean, since it creates a Circle of energy. A balance,

Making you feel in peace.

Tantric encourages sex, not a bizarre or inappropriate way, converging into a science, an art, an access to deeper layers of our consciousness ...

What human being does not like or appreciate pleasure?, Now you'll be asking yourself another logical question. Why do we unconsciously repress it? Another question should be, why let us allow ourselves to dominate or to be possess by others?

You should think about this, if it is only for a moment, Sex, is magic, where you can create a special connection.

Which has only one purpose, and is to be part of one another, share your energy, exchange it ... At that time you must have present, The False Moral the contradictions

Life is a gush of energy that must learn how to flow

It is in your hands, of learning how to take advantage of this divine treasure

You never know what you have lost by not knowing this ancient art.

The goal is not to have a genital discharge, but to learn to control the impulses that will take you to a whole spiritual explosion.

The evil weapon used in Sex is your mind and Tantric like playing with her.

At first, we were an androgyny, a creature that was half man, half woman. According to the ancestors, Sex means, separate, so Tantric forced them to separate in order to enjoy better the secret game of pleasure. All this to remember that once was they where one ... closing the Magic Circle.

The benefits of sexual energy are extensive, leaving you, stress free , wakes virtues that did not think you had, inspiration, comes creativity, intuition becomes palpable, an injection of vitality, and the plus of feeling incredibly happy we get to know more about our inner self ...

Ancestral used techniques that elevate the human spirit, to enjoy the unexplored pleasure.

Everything is connected in the Universe.

Paradise is not a place

It’s a State of Mind

The key is in Tantric

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